Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do you want more Success? Follow this Process, set your Goals.

1. Write them down. Committing your goals to paper creates a road map for success. You begin to program them into your subconscious mind, which in turn begins to work towards their achievement.
1. Write your Goals down and commit them to paper. This is the first step to create a road map for success. Your brain starts programming for success and starts working toward achieving your goals.
2. Use your imagination and describe your goals as vividly as possible, as if they were already a reality. Describe them using your five senses and add heaps of emotion. Emotion adds tremendous power to your goals.
3. Be specific. The clearer you are about what you want in life, the more readily it will manifest itself. Time and again, sociological research has demonstrated that specific, challenging goals result in better performance than vague goals, no goals, or people simply trying to "do their best."
4. Write your goals in the present tense, as if they have already come true. Say "I am" not "I am going to".
5. Be positive. Success comes when we focus on striving toward positive outcomes, rather than avoiding negative outcomes. People setting 'avoidance goals' (such as 'I will stop smoking') tend to be less happy, less satisfied with life, and more anxious than others. Positive goals put us in a positive state of mind, and are mentally associated with positive memories and experiences, whereas avoidance goals are typically associated with memories of failures and accidents. " 6. Be 100% committed to whatever you do, especially to your goals. As Napoleon famously said, "If you start to take Vienna - take Vienna ." Underachievement is often caused by lack of commitment and doubt about the worth of a goal. If you achieve your goals and decide that you want something else, then go for that!
7. Choose goals that stretch your abilities and yet are within what you believe is possible. People who set challenging goals for themselves tend to accomplish more than those who set more modest goals. As Emerson said, "We aim above the mark to hit the mark." Tune In next week for the other 9 steps of goal setting.
Describe them using your five senses and add heaps of emotion Describe your Goals as colourful, vivid and emotional as possible using all your five senses Thoughts Of The Day Goal setting is like exercising- You start off light then as you get stronger you can handle more and more. The key is in starting - Remember- Any goal is better then none!

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